Welcome to Batford Memorial Hall
Charity Number 302371
Christmas Party 2023
Batford Memorial Hall
Thursday 14th December 2023
10.30am - 2.30pm
Come and Join Us For Festive Food and Fun ....
Following the continuing success of our parties we are very proud once again
to be hosting a Christmas Party on Thursday 14th December 2023
for the retired residents of Batford 10.30am - 2.30pm
The event is open to all retired residents of Batford and surrounding villages and is a chance to have a catch
up with old friends and a chance to meet new ones.
A full Christmas Dinner with all the trimmings will be the order
of the day with a cracker for everyone to pull along with a
full afternoon's entertainment
The event is free of charge to all persons attending and transport
can be arranged for those who aren't able to get to the hall
under their own steam.
If you or know anyone who would like to come along please
get in touch either by completing the form below or by calling
07794 121965