Welcome to Batford Memorial Hall
Charity Number 302371
The Big Batford EU Debate
Thursday 9th June 2016
With what is deemed to be the most important vote for the UK in a generation, June 23rd will be an historic day for us all as we are asked to decide to Leave or Remain in the European Union.
Batford Memorial Hall is keen to give you the opportunity to ask the questions you want answered in a Public Meeting that will consist of a panel of speakers from both the Leave and Remain sides of the debate.
Our aim is to give you, the local people the chance to be able to make an informed decision about how you should vote with as many facts as possible.
Our Panel has now been confirmed as:-
Peter Lilley, MP for Hitchin and Harpenden, who is a leading member of the Leave campaign, and has been much in the press recently with his views on trade deals. Peter has extensive knowledge and understanding of our relationship with the European Union and strong views why we should exit.
Rachel Joyce who is a local doctor and former Town Councillor and is helping to lead the Leave campaign locally.
Stuart Agnew MEP, a Norfolk farmer who is a UKIP MEP representing the East of England and a vocal EU sceptic.
Chris White, the leader of the Liberal Democrats in St Albans and District. Chris is both a District and County Councillor and will speak on behalf of remaining in the EU.
Mark Holdsworth, who is co-ordinating the Conservative ground campaign for Remain.
Alex Mayer, a leading campaigner for the Labour Remain campaign in the East of England, and has experience of EU politics, having been second on the Labour Party list for the 2014 European elections.
The debate will adopt a 'Question Time' format with questions being submitted prior to the meeting.
If you wish to ask a question please simply send it to us by completeing the form at the bottom of this page, email us at info@batfordmemorialhall.com, or text it to us on 07794 121965 headed referendum debate. If you would prefer to post your question please post to Referendum Debate, Batford Memorial Hall, c/o 39 Roundfield Ave, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 5BD. We endeavour to ask as many questions that you, the local people want answered however this cannot be guaranteed.
The debate will take place on Thursday 9th June at the hall with the debate starting at 7.30pm.
Doors open at 7.00pm.
This is a FREE event to attend, however with the number of people who have already shown an interest in coming along and the limitation of chairs we can provide, we are asking that if you want to be guaranteed a seated place in the main hall on the night please, simply purchase a VIP seat ticket below at the cost of £1 and your £1 will be refunded on the evening. This we feel is the fairest way to designate seats for everyone. If you wish to donate your £1 on the night to the hall we would equally be grateful.
Tickets can also be purchased from - John- 39 Roundfield Ave, Harpenden, Herts, AL5 5BE.
Alternatively if you wish to simply turn up on the evening we would be delighted to welcome you if there are any unsold chairs these will be be allocated on a first come first serve basis otherwise there will be standing room only.
We look forward to welcoming you to the hall in what we hope will be an informative and lively debate. Please take part in our poll below of which the results we want to feature on the night.
Please submit your question below for the debate